Medical Device Injury

Specialist Attorneys for Breast Implant Litigation

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Problems with Allergan Textured Breast Implants

Allergan textured breast implants have been linked to a type of cancer called Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). In addition to BIA_ALCL diagnosis, patients implanted with the recalled device have reported serious complications, and possible side effects of BIA-ALCL, including pain, swelling, and fluid buildup, which often necessitate additional surgeries and treatments.

Our firm has pursued hundreds of lawsuits against Allergan for defective breast implants.

  • Allergan textured breast implants are used for breast augmentation and reconstruction.
  • Linked to BIA-ALCL, a cancer, in some patients.
  • Symptoms of BIA-ALCLcan include: pain, swelling, fluid buildup, and severe health issues.
  • Diagnosis requires surgeries and pathology to address these symptoms and to treat BIA-ALCL.

Why Choose Cowper Law?

Cowper Law specializes in medical device litigation, particularly breast implant cases. Our expert team is committed to ensuring manufacturers are held responsible and achieving the best results for our clients.

Demonstrated history of case victories
Proficient legal team with specialized experience
Judicial appointment of Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee
Discovery and Bellwether Committee
Tailored legal strategies for individual cases

Our Process

Free Case Evaluation

Discuss your case in an initial consultation.

Comprehensive Investigation

Detailed review of the implant and related complications.

Medical Expert Collaboration

Partnering with leading medical professionals.

Aggressive Court Representaion

Dedicated advocacy to secure the best results.

Don’t delay – it’s crucial to consult an attorney promptly if you believe you have a claim. An experienced lawyer can assess your case and guide you on your options for pursuing compensation and justice.

Cowper Law investigates cases individually. The attorneys review the medical records in tandem with the applicable state and federal laws in order to determine whether a lawsuit may be filed on your behalf.

If you or a loved one received Allergan textured breast implants and experienced complications, you may have grounds for a legal claim against the manufacturer.

Potential compensation:
  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Reduced earning capacity
  • Out-of-pocket costs
  • Pain and suffering
scales of justice

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